Lexia Reading Core5
Our School is using Lexia Core5, a computer based reading program to build reading skills. The program can be used at home for extra practice. Here's how to get started.
1. For use on a computer go to www.lexiacore5.com
You can create a bookmark for this address
Adobe Flask Player is required to run this program
2. For use with iPad or iPad mini, download the FREE Lexia Reading Core5 app from the App Store.
3. For use with Android Tables, download the FREE Lexia Reading Core5 app from the Google Play Store
4. This app is not available for Kindle.
The first time your child uses Lexia Core5, you will need to help set it up. To do this, enter your student teacher email.
You can then log in using the student username and password.This is the same username and password used at school.
At Brook Knoll, the user name is First Letter of First Name, Entire Last name.(some exceptions do apply for siblings & duplicate names)
Students should know the 4 digit password. Your child is now ready to use Lexia Core5 at home!
A typical home session may last from 10-15 minutes. It is important your child works without help while using Lexia Core5.