Student Registration Enrollment TK - 5th

Registration for 2024/2025
Are you unsure which elementary school your student is designated to attend?
Please reach out to the school office, provide your address, and we can help you.

Q: What is TK vs. Kindergarten?
A: Transitional Kindergarten or TK, serves as a bridge between preschool and kindergarten, functioning to provide students with time to develop fundamental skills needed for success in school. The focus of TK is to support students’ who are not 5 by September 1st of the upcoming school year to develop stronger social-emotional skills, basic number sense and basic literacy. Students spend a significant amount of time in exploration learning, and play-based lessons.
Kindergarten, while focused on social emotional needs and supporting the whole child, has a stronger focus on literacy and math skills. Students spend more time in structured learning centers and classroom lessons.
Q: What is the age cut off for TK and Kindergarten?
For the 2024-2024 school year, students are eligible to enter the following grade levels based on their age:
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) - children who will be five years of age between September 2, 2024, and September 1, 2025. Learn more about our TK program by visiting our Transitional Kinder page.
Kindergarten- if they have reached 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2024
TK students currently enrolled in SVUSD do not need to register for Kindergarten as they are already enrolled in our District and will be automatically enrolled in Kindergarten.
Q: Will there be before and after school care for my child on campus?
Yes, we will be offering before and after school care on campus (fee based and subsidized options).
For more information, please visit the SVUSD Website.
Q: What are the documents needed for proof of residency?
A: Utility bills (water and electricity), house deed, rental agreement, pay stubs, voter registration, correspondence from a government agency.
Q: What if I don’t have bills or the above documentation with my name on it because I rent and pay bills off of my landlord with no rental agreement?
A: A declaration of residency executed by the parent or legal guardian.
Q: What if I am not the parent but a guardian?
A: If you are not legally the parent, but have other documentation to show you are the primary care provider, you can provide a copy of a court order or complete a caregiver affidavit
Q: Does my child have to have all of his/her vaccinations? What are the vaccination Requirements?
A: Students are required to have vaccinations prior to entering public schools in California. You can find the most current vaccination requirements here.
Q: Does my child have to have the COVID vaccine?
A: The COVID vaccine is not mandated as of 12/1/2021 for students under 12 to register for school. You will be notified if the requirement changes.
Q: Will my child have to wear a face covering all day?
A: At this time we are not sure what August of next year will look like, however we will be following the CDPH guidelines to keep our students safe.
Q: How do I find out if I live within the SVUSD boundary?
A: You can find what school and district you are mapped to by looking at this District Street Index .
Q: Which school should I register for?
A: No matter where you live, you will need to begin registration for your home school and district. If you are out of district and would like to transfer to Scotts Valley USD, you can complete an Inter-District Transfer.
Q: What is an Inter-district transfer?
A: An Inter-District Transfer is the process any family needs to follow if they wish to attend a school that is not where they live. We begin accepting NEW transfers February 1st. You can find information on our IDT page If you live in Scotts Valley’s boundaries, but wish to attend a different school outside of our district, you must follow the same procedure beginning with our district office.
Q: Does my child have to be potty trained?
A: Yes, your child needs to be potty trained prior to entering both TK and Kindergarten. District Toileting Guidelines
Q: What if my child has special needs or a medical condition?
A: If your child has special needs and has a current IEP, or other documentation of need for support, please contact our Student Services Department at your earliest convenience so we can work with you to find the appropriate placement.
Student Services Department: 831-438-1820 ext. 103.

CLICK HERE for School Tour Schedule 2024/2025
The Scotts Valley Unified School District is pleased to continue with an all day bell schedule for Kindergarten.
Transitional Kindergarten will remain a half day program.